Training Programs

Training Programs



No matter what your goals are for your pet, a solid core of basic obedience is an essential for beginning any type of training.  Obedience is as important for the playful family companion as it is for a  highly-trained field retriever.

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Gun Dogs

Gun Dogs

Hunting is a past time enjoyed by many, often because it's a sport that can be shared with our best friends and family. A well trained gun dog can be both a great friend and a wonderful part of that family! Saltgrass Retrievers can give your hunting companion the necessary skills to be a true asset to your hunts, providing increased recovery of birds and many years of great memories. At Saltgrass Retrievers we ourselves are avid hunters, so we know exactly what your dog will be called on to do when you take them out into the field.

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Hunt Tests

Hunt Tests

A common misconception is that training a dog for hunt tests or field trials is something different than what people want in a gun dog. This isn't true at all. All the elements involved in a hunt test are representative of real field scenarios your dog is likely to encounter.  Participation in these family oriented events allows you to spend more time afield with your four legged buddy and meet some great people who share the same love of quality working dogs.

Read About Hunt Tests

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